The Knot Top With Cool Girl Vibes


Nordstrom Quay Clare_V

Knot Top: BP (similar) | Bottoms: One Teaspoon | Bag: Clare V. | Watch: Michael Kors | Sunglasses: Quay | Necklace: Made by Mary

Growing up in the 90s were tough times…scrunchies, side ponys, mall madness, and butterfly clips were all the rage. Thank goodness only some of these trends have come full circle. I was always that girl that couldn’t figure out how to tie my tee shirt into a knot to look all cool on the soccer field. Enter this top: the knot is already in there for you! It’s so perfect and because it cinches right at the waist it’s super flattering!! This one is from last year but I’ve linked a super similar version above. I love simple outfits like this where you don’t need too many accessories but you look really put together.

What is everyone doing this weekend? We are hoping to tackle some more items for our wedding including starting our registry so that we can finish our website and then finish our save the dates. It’s kind of crazy how everything has a domino effect when wedding planning but I’m glad we are ticking things off! As always thanks for stopping by!