Classic Pieces + How I Manage Stress

White_on_White  Clare_V Petites Denim_Jacket

Knot Top: BP (similar) | Bottoms: Abercrombie | Denim Jacket: Old Navy | Slides: Treasure & Bond | Sunglasses: Le Specs | Bag: Clare V.

Happy Tuesday everyone! I am re-featuring some of my classic pieces in this post. Sometimes it’s nice to see how pieces get re-used so you don’t spend money and only wear it once! This knot top that was also featured in this post I can’t recommend enough. Also this denim jacket which is SO perfect for petites and has the best wash is literally $40 and is one of Old Navy’s bestsellers. See how I styled it in this post!

I’ve been getting some questions on how I am juggling my 9-5, fitness routine, my wedding, and my passion project. The truth is I have a lot of help and support from my family that keeps me going! Sometimes I do feel like when I focus on one thing another aspect suffers but I’m trying to keep it all balanced! I thought I would put together a list of my favorite ways to de-stress:

  1. Fitness! I workout about 5-6 times a week between strength training, yoga, runs, and cardio. I find that cardio and getting my heart rate up helps with stress levels the most. The body gets flooded with happy endorphins with this type of exercise and chugging water through the workout is a huge help too! **Bonus if you blast some awesome music
  2. Drinking Green Tea – I have a cup of tea after dinner almost every night. I feel like it helps with digestion and puts me in such a calm mood. Even just the act of pouring the tea and letting the steam hit my face is super de-stressing!
  3. Taking a shower (or bath in most people’s cases). I don’t think I’ve ever been a bath person I want to be but I always feel like I could be doing something more productive! That being said hot showers are my jam! Lush used to make a “bath bomb” for showers that basically just fizzed and steamed with a grapefruit scent. I thought this was such a cool idea but they never expanded  it to other scents and I think the original got discontinued too :(.  So soap companies out there this could totally be your niche!
  4. Reading. Ok I have to admit I have fallen off the wagon with this one lately but sometimes you just need to get out of your own head. Reading always puts me in such a calm mood especially right before bed and it allows you to get lost in another world. If you still don’t have time for this listening to audiobooks or podcasts is always another option which I’ve been loving!
  5. Finally – dive in! I have a bad habit of putting uncomfortable or difficult tasks off but I’ve found that once I just take them on I was worrying for no reason! Just dive in – take on the task full force and do the best you can. Once it’s over you’ll feel so much better

Hope I gave ya’ll some wisdom for the week